An Update on Flex Hourly Rates, and then some

Sean the Flash Guy posted a few days ago about the charts on showing currently hourly rates for Flex Developers. When he posted it originally, the rates were between $60-80 in just a matter of a few days however, the rates went through the roof 🙂

I’m thinking some peeps jumped on there and set straight. If so, bravo! Here’s what they’re showing at the day of this post:

Flex Hourly Rates - Dec 07

That’s a big change in a few days. Is this thing accurate? We’ve all been burned by outsourcing at one point or another I’m sure, but here’s a little contrast for ya. Here’s a site devoted to indentured serv….er…I mean outsourcing, That link takes you to a Flex job that pays a hefty $16.33/hr. For a bonus, I think they slap you across the mouth when you’re done. That’s just one of their jobs, and I’ve seen others while surfing. There are a ton of grossly underpaid job postings, and with our powerful economy, I’m thinking they’ll have a hard time finding someone will to work for a slap in the mouth. Alright, that was sarcastic.

I’m more familiar with and their graphs, which are supposedly actually reflected by current job posting trends (searches by keywords in job postings). Here’s one for example for a search of adobe flex, adobe flash.

adobe flex, adobe flash Job Trends graph

adobe flex, adobe flash Job Trends adobe flex jobsadobe flash jobs

I wonder how accurate these charts and graphs are? What do you guys think? The jump on in about 2 days makes me wonder. Since I’m more used to Indeed, obviously I trust their numbers more. Where do you people go to keep current? Who do you trust? Indeed has a jobs per capita map that’s pretty useful, well, kinda. The larger the red dots on the map, the more jobs per capita. You might realize at first that this is probably the very same map Russia used for years to plot their strike zones if they were to nuke us. You’ll also notice Montana and Hawaii have no red spot to speak of, I’m sure that’s because if they did nuke us, they hoped to leave some top vacationing spots.

To illustrate the garbage in, garbage out cliche on the job trends, I did a search for chicken, monkey:

chicken, monkey Job Trends graph

chicken, monkey Job Trends chicken jobsmonkey jobs

You’ll notice that good ole reliable chicken continues along a steady path, while monkey flings across the graph in irrational spurts of energy. In that sense, this may be an accurate graph. Enough said about food chain. Seriously, any ideas on the jump in rates on, or know of a more accurate place to keep up to date?



  1. Mike

    I’ve found the developers I need by reference. I never did have much luck using that oDesk or get-a-freelancer or get a coder or get a whatever it is you want. The prices are cheap enough, but even if you do find somebody good, it is only a matter of time before they catch a clue and join the regular work force. As a matter of fact, the last “really good” designer I found started working for me for 1/3 of what other designer’s charge. In a few short months, he was at 90% of going rates.

    Mikes last blog post..$60

  2. Dave (Post author)

    Hey Mike,
    Same thing here in reverse, I’ve never gotten any project from any of those sites, but rather through referrals. I do get a kick out of the intensely low-paying projects posted on them though. I guess in a way it’s good if the sites do expose rates and everyone kind of levels out sooner or later. I mean, once they find out from other workers “hey, you’re making more than $16 USD for a huge Flex project?” 😛 ooops!

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