Up and Running on MXNA

Another voice for Adobe Flex and RIA Technologies

Thank you thank you! It’s good to be here. I finally got the cooler blog aggregated on MXNA. It’s been a bit slow trying to get listed, probably due to the holiday season but I’m here at last.

For those who don’t know, I’m the same guy who runs PXL Blog. The reason for this blog is 1. WordPress is much cooler than Nucleus CMS in my opinion, 2. I get to yak about other things in life than Adobe Flex, Flash, AIR, and other technologies, although you will find many code samples here.

Here are some of the better tutorials for Adobe Flex that I submitted for the Flex CookBook, and some Adobe AIR info:

There’s logs more info here, although the site’s only about a month old and you’re sure to find some hilarity as well. PXL Blog shall continue on, although I’ll leave it more for information on the company (PXL Designs). You can expect much more code and samples in the future, and of course I won’t ever forget to leave out the fun.
